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29th October 2018

In the Cravens the team worked hard to install more insulation into the first class compartment. This was followed by drilling more of the ceiling blocks for the handrails to fit into. Work has also begun on drilling in the centre saloon ready to accept further wood work. This job is really starting to progres at quite a pace..

Class 105
Class 105

Having been used at a three day Thomas event the inside of both the 104 and 127 needed quite a heavy clean on Sunday, not surprising having been used by nearly 300 people at a time on certain trips. The weekend also featured what should be the last visit of the 127 set to Corwen East, prior to it being dismantled at the end of the season; Corwen East that is!

Class 127
Class 127
Class 127

A faulty heater on 51618 was investigated, depsite being fitted as a refurbished item, the motor brushes were found to be work beyond use, with the commutator in a poor state as well. A replacment motor was found and fitted, and it is back in working order.

Class 127
Class 127

Work was also done on progressing the jumpers on the Cravens. With two more now in the workshop in primer, the ones on the vehicle have been glossed.

Class 105

22nd October 2018

The 127 and 104 where marshalled togethe ready for the week ahead. We didn't expect to need them as quickly as we did, however after a failure of the steam service set, it was pressed into service to rescue the passengers, and run the 15:10 service.

A spare wheelset which is destined for 50454 was de-scaled, unfortunately the weather turned and the paint wasn't able to be applied.

The jumper socket on the end 0f 56223 was reassembled. A needle gun was borrowed as an experiment to see how well it worked on de-scaling items.

Various items have been delivered for the wiring in 56456, and the rear jumper sockets have been removed, cleaned up, and a start made on painting them up.

Class 105
Class 105

One of the engine stands, procured a while ago now has an engine resting in it. And a new 13 amp double socket has been fitted into the mess coach for some new cleaning equipment to have a permanent home to charge at.

At the Midland work has continued on the 100, with the timber frames that will hold the luggage racks in place, and one of the door frames has been fully completed. Some electrical fault finding was also carried out on the 108, while the antifreeze on the 141 was also topped up.

Class 100

Class 108

15th October 2018

On Saturday an FP exam was carried out on the Wickham, it having run all of the mid week diagrams leading up to the weekend. One minor arising was an issue with the heater which will be tackled on a day with better weather.

An experimental gutter cleaning contraption was made up, and given it was successful, the 104 and the mess coach received some attention. The dismantled jumper on 56223 was refitted, and undercoated in white. This was then finished on Sunday.

Class 104
Class 108
Class 108

On Sunday work was focussed on 56456. The electrical department have set into various electrical parts and they have been cleaned and painted.

Class 105

6 blocks of timber where cut, hand sawn, and planed. These will be fitted in the ceiling and will provide an anchor point for the vertical handrails. In the rear passenger compartment part of under side of the roof has received more paint. Insulation has been fitted into the ceiling of the 1st class saloon.

Class 105
Class 105
Class 105
Class 105
Class 105
Class 105

8th October 2018

The Wickham has been in use at Llangollen on all of the midweek A timetables this week. It is seen here just having come out of Pentre depot onto the mainline.

Class 109

Over at the Midland a small team have begun to fit the wooden door frames into the metal recess around the door aperture.

Class 100
Class 100

1st October 2018

On Saturday a small group set in to washing the inside and outside of the Wickham ready for a stint of midweek turns this upcoming week. The repaired lifting brackets where also checked for alignment.

Class 109
Class 109

On Sunday, the Wickham was fuelled, and the 127/108 washed inside and out, a defective floor trap was also attended to. A jumper socket on the front of 56223 was dismantled and found to be corroded inside. This should be back together at the next working party and ready for service again.

Class 108

While the washing equipment was out 56456 was treated to a wash. Some vegetation clearance also allowed for a photo of the "hidden" side of the vehicle.

Class 105

Work continues at quite a pace inside of 56456, with more of the timber fitted. One side has the luggage rack back up on a temporary basis till a back plate is made for the timber frame. A start has also been made on the frames for the other side of the vehicle.

Class 105
Class 105

The 104 was in use at both days of the gala, and was well recieved by the visitors. It's nice to see it back in service in the usual formation, seen here at Berwyn.

Class 104