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30th April 2018

The company AGM was held at Llangollen on Saturday, and once all the formal business was dealt with an open discussion was held with our members covering various matters. Most then adjourned to Pentrefelin to have quite a productive working party.

The Class 104 was due for an A exam having covered a number of the mid-week days in recent weeks, as well as three driver experience trips on Saturday. The opportunity was taken to give the Wickham a good wash inside and out, and fuel it ready to take over duties from Monday.

Insulation which has been delivered for installation in 51618 has been safely packed away. We also have a surplus so will have enough for the inside of 56456.

Work continued in 56456 to install various pieces of woodwork which will eventually support the wall and ceiling panelling. The woodwork is complex, and is a work of art in itself. It is a shame it will be covered up!

The new panels for the inside of 51618 also received a coat of gloss, before they are sent off to be mated with a vinyl coating.

Work continued Sunday, the A exam on the 104 was completed with only a few minor undertakings. Unfortunately, the toilet tank inside is leaking, and this will require some further investigation.

Class 104

The first later of the new ply floor in 51618 was fastened down, the second layer has also arrived and is ready to go down next time.

In between all that the jumper sockets on the front of 56171 also managed to receive a coat of paint.

Class 109

Following on from running a Timetable A service on Friday, the 104 set off Empty Coaching Stock to Deeside Halt, with the objective being to retrieve a cement wagon which has been stored in the headshunt for a number of years, and return it to Pentrefelin. The operation went without a hitch and gave an opportunity for some unusual photos.

Class 104
Class 104

9th April 2018

The Wickham has been out and about today and will be providing services at the Llangollen Railway until Thursday.

Class 109

In the workshops at Llangollen the Wickham has had an exam so that both operable sets will be available to cover the next three week’s running. The right hand heater which had become noisy had a replacement motor fitted and a shutdown relay was adjusted.

More progress has been made with Class 127 51618. The cab roof has been lifted into position and new plywood cut and primed for use in the rebuild.

Over at Butterley work has continued on the Class 108 set with a replacement ceiling in the guard's van of 51907 now fitted and painted. The set has been used for five days over the past week, in one case due to the non-availability of the booked traction.

Class 108