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31st December 2018

The 104 has been in use at the Winter Warmer giving the passengers a rather warm trip up and down the Valley. On Saturday it was involved in a rather unusual shunt move in Carrog yard to move the Neptune Track Recording Vehicle. It isn't the first time the 104 has visited Carrog yard, though it's been 8 years since the last visit.

Class 104
Class 104

A "Cold Turkey" working party took place at Pentrefelin on the 28th. The fuel tank on 56223 for the heater had a drain plug fitted, fuel was added, and the fuel level on the gauge is visible again.

Class 108

Work on the roof has also continued, and the end is nearly in site to removing all of the paint.

Class 108

Some tidying up of the woodwork has also been done in the cab of 51618, with the top section of the drivers door reveal being fitted.

Class 127

As the year draws to a close, a thank you to all of our members for a job well done this year, and also to our supported who take a keen interest in the work we do. All the best for 2019.

17th December 2018

As can be seen in the photographs below, a milestone was reached in the complex restoration of 56456, as two of the ceiling panels where fitted to the vehicle in the first class compartment.

Class 105
Class 105

The supports for the luggage racks in the middle compartment where also fitted, this just leaves the rear compartment to finish off for this particular step. More insulation has been fitted into the roof, and the first wall piece has been attached. The dismantling of the rear jumper sockets was also completed.

Class 105

On Saturday the team continued the effort to prep 56223 for painting, another large chunk of the roof has been scabbled back, and the secondmans side of the vehicle is now ready for filling then priming. The woodwork previously removed in 51618 has been refitted, and the vehicle looks much nicer for it. Various covers and under parts recieved a coat of chassis black, and the fuel tank guages for the heater system went back on.

The 104 recieved an annual A exam on Sunday, with a few minor arisings, including a blown bulb. An earth fault was found on the heating system which meant it wouldn't shut down, this was cured, though the other earth fault will take some more time to find and resolve. A new release string was fitted to the bogie for the brake cylinder. The chassis behind the step boards was derusted, and painted ready for the step boards to be refitted.

Class 104
Class 104

Following on from all the work done, especially with the wheelset swap, the unit was taken on a test run to Glyndyfrdwy and back. This was successful and the unit is now available again for traffic.

Class 104

3rd December 2018

The scabbling of the roof of 56223 has continued, with around half the canal side of the roof done. Sanding continued on the secondmans side, and hopefully one more day will see this completed.

Class 108

Parts of the underside where removed, cleaned up, and painted ready for re-fitment. The fuel gauge glasses also received a clean up.

Class 108
Class 108
Class 108

The wood work for 51618 is now varnished up, and is ready for fitment next time.

Class 108

The insulation in the roof of the 1st class area is now almost complete, with just a couple of strips left to install. The last two vestibule walls have been secured into place and squared up. The ceiling blocks for the vestibule hand rails where marked out, drilled, and then fitted. More of the metal floor and wall strips where marked and drilled, and more timber has been fitted ready for the wall panels.

Class 105
Class 105

Three of the four rear jumper sockets where also removed, the fourth will need a little more persuasion.

Class 105
Class 105